The Ape and his Two Children

7.25. De simia et de gemino fetu
Caxton: Of the ape and of his two children
He that somtyme men dispreysen / may wel helpe somme other / as hit appereth by this Fable of an Ape / whiche had two children / of the whiche he hated the one / & loued the other / whiche he toke in his armes / and with hym fled before the dogges / And whanne the other sawe / that his moder lefte hym behynde / he ranne and lepte on her back / And by cause that the lytyl ape whiche the she ape held in her armes empeched her to flee / she lete hit falle to the erthe / And the other whiche the moder hated held fast and was saued / the whiche from thens fothon kyssed and embraced his moder / And she thenne beganne to loue hym /
wherfore many tymes it happeth / that that thynge whiche is dispreysed / is better than that thynge whiche is loued and preysed / For somtyme the children whiche ben preysed and loued / done lasse good than they whiche ben dispreysed and hated
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