The Ant and the Dove

6.11. De formica et columba
Caxton: Of the ante and of the columbe
None ought / to be slowful of the good whiche he receyueth of other / As reherceth this fable of an Ante / whiche came to a fontayne for to drynke / and as she wold haue dronke she felle within the fontayn / vpon the whiche was a columbe or douue / whiche seyng that the Ante shold haue ben drowned withoute helpe / took a braunche of a tree / &a cast it to her for to saue her self / And the Ante wente anone vpon the braunche and saued her / And anone after came a Fawkoner / whiche wold haue take the douue / And thenne the Ante whiche sawe that the Fawkoner dressyd his nettes came to his foote / and soo fast pryked hit / that she caused hym to smyte the erthe with his foote / and therwith made soo grete noyse / that the douue herd hit / wherfore she flewhe aweye or the gynne and nettes were al sette
And therfore none ought to forgete the benyfyce whiche he hath receyued of some other / for slowfulnesse is a grete synne
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