The Fox and the Stork

2.13. De vulpe et ciconia
Caxton: Of the foxe and of the storke
Thow oughtest not to doo to other that whiche thow woldest not that men shold doo to the / wherof Esope reherceth to vs suche a fable / Of a foxe which conueyed a storke to souper / And the foxe put the mete vpon a trauncher / the whiche mete the storke myght not ete / wherof she tooke & had grete displaysaunce / & wente & departed oute of the foxes hows al hongry and wente ageyne to her lodgys / And by cause that the foxe had thus begyled her / she bythoughte in her self / how she myght begyle the Foxe / For as men saye / it is meryte to begyle the begylers / wherfore the storke prayd the foxe to come and soupe with her / and put his mete within a glas / And whanne the foxe wold haue eten / he myght not come ther by / but only he lycked the glas / bycause he cowde not reche to the mete with his mouthe / And thenne he knewe wel that he was deceyued / And thenne the storke sayd to hym / Take of suche goodes as thow gauest to me / And the poure foxe ryght shameful departed fro thens / And with the staf which he had made he was bete /
And therfore he that begyleth other / is oftyme begyled hym self /
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