2.12. De calvo et musca
Caxton: Of the balled man / and of the flye /
Of a lytel euylle may wel come a gretter / Wherof Esope recyteth suche a fable / Of a flye / whiche pryked a man vpon his bald hede / And whanne he wold haue smyte her / she flewgh awey / and thus he smote hym self / wherof the flye beganne to lawhe / And the bald man sayd to her / Ha a euylle beest thow demaundest wel thy dethe / yf I smote my self wherof thow lawhest and mocquest me / but yf I had hytte the / thow haddest be thefor slayne /
And therfore men sayen comynly that of the euylle of other / men ought not to lawhe ne scorne / But the Iniuryous mocquen and scornen the world / and geteth many enemyes / For the whiche cause oftyme it happeth that of a fewe wordes euyll sette / cometh a grete noyse and daunger
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