Of the wulf and of the sheepherd and of the hunter

4.03. De lupo et bubulco
Caxton: Of the wulf and of the sheepherd and of the hunter
Many folke shewe them self good by theyr wordes whiche are ful of grete fantasyes / As reherceth to vs thys fable of a wulf whiche fledde byfore the hunter / And as he fledde he mette with a sheepherd / to whome he said My frende I praye the that thow telle not to hym that foloweth me which wey I am gone / & the sheepherd said to hym haue no drede ne fere no thynge / For I shalle not accuse the / For I shalle shewe to hym another way / And as the hunter came / he demaunded of the sheepherd yf he had sene the wulf passe / And the sheepherd both with the heed and of the eyen shewed to the hunter the place where the wulf was / & with the hand and the tongue shewed alle the contrarye / And incontynent the hunter vnderstood hym wel / But the wulf whiche perceyued wel all the fayned maners of the sheepherd fled awey / And within a lytyll whyle after the sheepherd encountred and mette with the wulf / to whome he sayd / paye me of that I haue kepte the secrete / And thenne the wulf ansuerd to hym in this manere / I thanke thyn handes and the tongue / and not thyn hede ne thyn eyen / For by them I shold haue ben bytrayed / yf I had not fledde aweye /
And therfore men must not truste in hym that hath two faces and two tongues / for suche folk is lyke and semblable to the scorpion / the whiche enoynteth with his tongue / and prycketh sore with his taylle
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