The Old Woman and the Doctor

021. THE OLD WOMAN AND THE DOCTOR. Upon a Dispute betwixt a Stag and a Horse about a Piece of Pasture, the Stag got the better on’t, and beat the other out of the Field. The Horse, upon this Affront, advis’d with a Man what Course to take; who told him, that if he would submit to be bridled and saddled, and take a Man upon his Back with a Lance in his Hand, he would undertake to give him the Satisfaction of a Revenge. The Horse came to his Terms and for the gratifying of a present Passion, made himself a Slave all the Days of his Life. THE MORAL. Let every Man make a true Measure of himself, what he is able to do, and what not, before he comes to any peremptory Resolution how to proceed. He is a Madman, that to avoid a present and less Evil, runs blindfold into a greater; and for the gratifying of a froward Humour, makes himself a Slave all the Days of his Life. (Sir Roger L'Estrange) [more info]

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