The Boasting Traveler

074. THE BOASTING TRAVELLER. One who had been abroad, at his return home again was giving an account of his travels; and, among other places, said he had been at Rhodes, where he had so distinguished himself in leaping, an exercise that city was famous for, that not a Rhodian could come near him.
When those who were present did not seem to credit this relation so readily as he intended they should, he took some pains to convince them of it by oaths and protestations; upon which, one of the company rising up, told him he need not give himself so much trouble about it, since he would put him in a way to demonstrate it in fact; which was to suppose the place they were in to be Rhodes, and to perform this extraordinary leap over again.
The boaster, not liking this proposal, sat down quietly, and had no more to say for himself. [more info]

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