22. THE WOLF AND THE CRANE. A ragged-haired, sharp-fanged Wolf, having, through overgorging himself with honest men's property, brought on an uneasy sensation about his throat, which threatened to be fatal, applied to a clever Crane of the long-billed species to help him through his trouble, upon condition of a very considerable reward for the practitioner's pains. The Crane, by skilfully removing certain perilous obstructive matters, brought the Wolf's throat out of danger, and then claimed the fulfilment of his client's promise.
"What!" said the knavish brute. "Have I not let you go without even the mark of my gripe round your own throttle? Be thankful that I have not mangled your lean carcase for you, stripped your head of its knowing wig, and your back of its glossy rustling robe. Expect no greater recompense for saving the life of a Wolf."
MORAL. Abstention from harm is a Rascal's magnanimity. [more info]
"What!" said the knavish brute. "Have I not let you go without even the mark of my gripe round your own throttle? Be thankful that I have not mangled your lean carcase for you, stripped your head of its knowing wig, and your back of its glossy rustling robe. Expect no greater recompense for saving the life of a Wolf."
MORAL. Abstention from harm is a Rascal's magnanimity. [more info]
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