2.53. THE THIEF AND THE DOG. A Thief coming to rob a certain house in the night, was disturbed in his attempts by a fierce vigilant dog who kept barking at him continually. Upon which the thief, thinking to stop his mouth, threw him a piece of bread: But the dog refused it with indignation; telling him, that before, he only suspected him to be a bad man; but now, upon his offering to bribe him, he was confirmed in his opinion; and that, as he was entrusted with the guardianship of his master's house, he should never cease barking while such a rogue as he lay lurking about it.
MORAL. Nothing can alter the honest purposes of the man, who despises an insidious bribe; and whose mind is proof against temptation. [more info]
MORAL. Nothing can alter the honest purposes of the man, who despises an insidious bribe; and whose mind is proof against temptation. [more info]
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