2.32. THE FOX AND THE ASS. An Ass, finding a Lion's skin, disguised himself with it, and ranged about the forest, putting all the beasts that saw him into a bodily fear. After he had diverted himself thus for some time, he met a Fox; and being desirous to fright him too, as well as the rest, he leapt at him with some fierceness, and endeavoured to imitate the roaring of the Lion. "Your humble servant," says the Fox; "if you had held your tongue, I might have taken you for a Lion, as others did; but now you bray, I know who you are."
MORAL. The more distant any person is from the thing he affects to appear, the stronger will the ridicule be which he excites, and the greater the inconveniencies into which he runs himself. [more info]
MORAL. The more distant any person is from the thing he affects to appear, the stronger will the ridicule be which he excites, and the greater the inconveniencies into which he runs himself. [more info]
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