The Bee and the Fly

1.08. THE BEE AND THE FLY. The greatest genius with a vindictive temper is far surpast in point of happiness by men of talents less considerable.
A Bee observing a Fly frisking about her hive asked him in a very passionate tone what he did there. "Is it for such scoundrels as you," said she, "to intrude into the company of the queens of the air?"
"You have great reason, truly," replied the Fly, "to be out of humour. I am sure they must be mad who would have any concern with so quarrelsome a nation."
"And why so? thou saucy malapert," returned the enraged Bee; "we have the best laws and are governed by the best policy in the world. We feed upon the most fragrant flowers, and all our business is to make honey -- honey which equals nectar, thou tasteless wretch who livest upon nothing but putrefaction and excrement."
"We live as we can," rejoined the Fly. "Poverty I hope is no crime, but passion is one I am sure. The honey you make is sweet I grant you, but your heart is all bitterness, for to be revenged on an enemy, you will destroy your own life and are so inconsiderate in your rage as to do more mischief to yourselves than to your adversary. Take my word for it: one had better have less considerable talents and use them with more discretion." [more info]

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