2.60. TWO YOUNG MEN AND THE COOK. Two young men went into a cook's shop, under pretence of buying meat; and while the cook's back was turned, one of them snatched up a piece of beef, and gave it to his companion, who presently clapt it under his cloak. The cook turning about again, and missing his beef, began to charge them with it; upon which, he that first took it, swore bitterly he had none of it. He that had it swore as heartily, that he had taken up none of his meat. Why look ye, gentlemen, says the cook, I see your equivocation; and though I can't tell which of you has taken my meat, I am sure, between you both, there's a thief, and a couple of rascals.
Thus quibbling thieves evade the charge,
Offend the laws, and go at large:
But though 'tis hard the crime to fix,
We know they're guilty by their tricks. [more info]
Thus quibbling thieves evade the charge,
Offend the laws, and go at large:
But though 'tis hard the crime to fix,
We know they're guilty by their tricks. [more info]
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