The Lion and the Mouse

A little Mouse, who chanced to stray
Near where a sleeping Lion lay,
Forgetting all that Prudence taught,
Ventured too rashly - - and was caught.
"O Lion! spare my life, I pray!"
Pleaded the Mouse, "I will repay
Your kindness without fail." And so
The Lion laughed and let him go.
The Mouse, soon after this mishap,
Came on the Lion in a trap,
Bound by strong ropes; without ado
He set to work and gnawed them through.
"A thousand thanks!" the Lion cried.
"You've saved my life and shamed my Pride.
For tho' it 's true I am a King,
Position is not everything.
I owe my life to your quick Wit!"
"Pray," said the Mouse, "don't mention it." [more info]

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