A stupid plan that fools project,
Not only will not take effect,
But proves destructive in the end
To those that bungle and pretend.
Some hungry Dogs beheld an hide
Deep sunk beneath the crystal tide,
Which, that they might extract for food,
They strove to drink up all the flood;
But bursten in the desp’rate deed,
They perish’d, ere they could succeed. [more info]
A stupid plan that fools project,
Not only will not take effect,
But proves destructive in the end
To those that bungle and pretend.
Some hungry Dogs beheld an hide
Deep sunk beneath the crystal tide,
Which, that they might extract for food,
They strove to drink up all the flood;
But bursten in the desp’rate deed,
They perish’d, ere they could succeed. [more info]
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